Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Advice for Day 83 To All The Single Ladies

I hope this goes without saying but never follow the advice of a Beyonce song. There is no deep wisdom somewhere between the repetition of the line "If you liked it then you should of put a ring on it."

If you want a ring, buy it yourself and put it on your own god damn finger instead of waiting for the seal of approval that is a wedding ring.

And for that matter all you single ladies and all you other ladies as well should apparently start acting like boys; because according to Beyonce "If I were I boy...I'd put myself first and make the rules as i go."

Beyonce has way too big of balls to not do that as a woman. You don't need to be a man to make your own rules and put yourself first.

FYI: Kevin this is not a feminist rant.